Stay Healthy During the Flu Season

As many people have spent the past couple of years avoiding public places and crowds because of the fears associated with the pandemic, stress levels are at an all-time high. Have you ever gotten sick following an extended period of particularly high stress? Your body’s high cortisol levels kept the illness at bay during that stressful period. But eventually, you may have either crashed or burned out, and as a result, gotten really, really sick. This is a good reason to be mindful of your daily habits, especially during this time of year.
The best way to avoid illness is to build health and live well according to nature’s laws. How is that done? In short, build up your vitality and nutrient levels while decreasing your toxic burden. While simple in concept it’s not always easy and looks different for different people depending on your particular history, genetics, and environment. To evaluate and discern best treatment to guide you to health is what we do best! Below are some proactive ways in which you can reduce your chances of getting sick by improving your health. To address your specific needs call today to discover what you need to do to build your health.
- Get outdoors. Extended indoor time means longer exposure to dry, recycled air, filled with particles that can irritate the eyes, nose, and throat. Because dry air can compromise your mucus barriers, if you must be indoors, consider a humidifier to add moisture to the air. Don’t let winter hold you back - bundle up for a brisk walk, cross country ski or snowshoe to enjoy the great outdoors. Go at dusk or dawn to enjoy the beauty of a sunset.
- Mind your nutrition. Select plenty of vegetables, include adequate protein and fiber, and healthy fats, and limit your simple sugars. Drink green tea and avoid excessive caffeine and alcohol.
- Practice healthy lifestyle habits. During the cold and flu season, be intentional about getting at least 7.5-8 hours of sleep each night, hydrating throughout the day, doing your best to reduce excessive stress and taking time for mental/physical wellness. Aim for 150 minutes of exercise per week. Pray. Meditate. Journal. Laugh.
- Practice self-care. This will look a little different for everyone. Laughter, gratitude, prayer, cooking, dancing, Pilates, Zumba, playing music, and singing are all wonderful ways to enrich your life and bring little moments of joy to your day.
- Fire it up and sweat. Sweating is a great way to cleanse toxins. Take a sauna bath or an Epsom salts bath, exercise, or do the 1 hour wellness sequence at PND (warming detox tea, warm hydromassage, shower, sauna, cool shower, hydrating electrolyte drink).
- Optimize your vitamin D levels. Test and restore your vitamin D level for an optimal functioning immune system. Low vitamin D levels result in greater susceptibility and worse outcomes for diseases such as COVID and Flu. Low vitamin D levels may also contribute to increased inflammation.
- Pay attention to your body’s signals. If feeling tired and run down simplify your tasks for the day discerning what is truly necessary, go to bed a little earlier and reevaluate your routines. The moment your throat or nose feels tickly, or itchy—take action. Hydrate with tea, broth, or water and rest. Gargle salt water (and then spit out) for sore throat and use a neti pot to clear sinuses. If symptoms progress, schedule an acute visit at PND to evaluate and treat naturally.
We wish you and your family a happy and healthy winter season.